NEW! a DVD with more than 23,000 photos in colour!
Cactaceae & Succulentae Encyclopaedia byJoël Lodé
23,000 photos! A real photo-bank fo your collection !
DVD in English-French-Spanish!
edition, a true Photo Encyclopedia illustrated with Cacti and other
Succulents plant, improved, brought up to date, enlarged and corrected
with 23,000 photos in colour of plants taken in collection and in
habitat, also proposes new, useful tools:
the illustrated index of
Cactaceae genera, the illustrated index of Cactaceae species, the
illustrated index of Succulent Families, genera and species,
Bromeliaceae, Orchids and carnivorous plants, Palm trees, the Etymology
for Cactaceae and other Succulent genera, Cristate, Monstrose and
Variegated, advices for sowing, the index of all the Cactus-Aventures
International issues since the Nr. Special 0, the interactive index of
the File Edisud, The Cactus Gardens of the World, etc.
NEW: Flora almeriense, Flora canariense, Glossary, Phytosanitary etc.
NEW: software for editing, creating, organizing, modifying, etc. images “PICASA” in 36 languages for FREE!
only on PC or Mac equipped with DVD player
SPECIAL PRICE: 41 Euros P.P. (20 Euros only if you send back the DVD2005 to us for exchange)
Order it right now!
For those who have no DVD player on their PC the CD 2004 is still available with 12.000 photos.
In 3 languages (French, english, español). 32 Euros P.P.