NEW ! A DVD with more than 15,000 photos in colour !
 FRANCAIS                                                                                                                                            ESPAÑOL
DVD 2005                    Secure server
NEW: DVD “International Cactus-Adventures 2005” :
The only DVD with +15,000 photos in colour!
(in English, French and Spanish)

This is a true illustrated Encyclopaedia of Cacti & other Succulents. This new edition brought up to date, enlarged and corrected shows more than 15.000 photos in colour taken in collection or in habitat with a real user-friendliness and many useful tools :
- the illustrated index of Cactaceae genera, brought up to date, enlarged,
- the illustrated index of Cactaceae species, brought up to date, enlarged,
- the illustrated index of Succulent Families, brought up to date, enlarged,
- the illustrated index of Succulent genera, brought up to date, enlarged,
- the illustrated index of Succulent species, brought up to date, enlarged,
- the illustrated index of Bromeliaceae genera, brought up to date, enlarged,
- the illustrated index of Orchidaceae,
- the illustrated index of Insectivorous Plants,
- The Etymology of Cactaceae & autres Succulent genera, brought up to date,
- Cristations, Monstruosités et Variegata, brought up to date, brought up to date, enlarged,
- sowing advices,
- the index of all Cactus-Adventures International issues since nr. 0, brought up to date
- the interactive index of the Cactus & Succulent Encyclopaedia Edisud,
- the Cactus Gardens of the world, brought up to date, enlarged,
- the illustrated and interactive list of Cacti & Succulent CITES 1 etc.
- in 3 languages (English French and Spanish)

NEW ! Interactive DVD
Readable on a PC with a DVD reader or for simple viewing on TV-DVD
SPECIAL PRICE : 32 Euros Postage Paid.
(12Euros only if you send the CD-2003 or 2004 to us for exchange

CD2004               Secure server
Of course, for those who do not have a DVD player, the CD 2004 (12,000 photos) is still available at the same price: 32 Euros Postage paid.
Navigator : 22 pages, Cactaceae photos : about 200 pages, Succulentae photos : 165 pages, Cactaceae cristata + variegata photos : 5 pages, Succulentae cristata + variegata photos : 3 pages, Tropicae photos : 12 pages, Encyclopaedia Edisud, 25 pages, Botanical Gardens of the World, 6 pages, CITES, 6 Pages, etc.

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Some examples : +1000 Mammillarias, +100 Ferocactus, +200 Aeoniums, +200 Agaves, +300 Aloes, +150 Melocactus, +250 Gymnocalyciums +500 Euphorbias !  +180 Bromeliaceae, +160 Echinofossulocactus, +60 Tephrocactus, +85 Sansevierias, etc...