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Cacti / other Succulents / Palms / Exotics
4,200 species

Click here to see the Seed catalogue for 2007

Plantes issues d'originales sous certificat CITES1 délivré le 10/10/1994 sous le n° KOY10828
Permis CITES AnnexeII : KOY8241/8242/8243/8244

About the Seed & Plant Catalogue for 2007

The catalog will henceforth be only available on Internet (

    Several hundreds of new introductions will be in our seed catalogue for 2007: Corynopuntia moelleri, Epithelantha neomexicana, Mammillaria guillauminiana, Mammillaria tetrancistra, Strombocactus disciformis ssp. esperanzae, Yavia cryptocarpa, Aloe austroarabica, betsileensis, Aloe macrosiphon, Aloe munchii, Aloe wildii, Crassula alba, Lachenalia rtubida, Monanthes wildpretii, Umbilicus schmidtii, etc. etc. are some of these new and very attractive introductions.
    The seeds of the previous years were refrigerated, so their life expectancy was increased, but the problem was that it was necessary to sow them immediately when received, otherwise, they lost very quickly their germinative viability as politely indicated to us by our buyers. To offer superior-quality seeds, we decided not to refrigerate any more our seeds, so keeping them as fresh as possible.
    We must point out that the way it works, is simple and also unique: ALL our seeds come from our own production (all species are referenced, thus facilitating their identification with field data), from botanical collections, or donations and exchanges made with our friends both amateurs or professional (those participating are listed at the end of the 2007 catalogue).
    It is almost impossible to avoid mistakes and identification errors in such a huge list; for everyone’s benefit, don’t hesitate in drawing our attention to any mistake.
    For those who wish to help us by sending seeds, please do so (or quickly send a list by fax or e-mail) if possible before the end of November, so that you and your seeds can be included in the seed catalogue for 2007. We can send you empty bags for packaging on demand. Thank you so much!.

Last minute novelties: Mammillaria eriacantha ssp. velizii (Guatemala, exclusive), Melocactus perezassoi (Cuba), Rhipsalis tonduzii, Euphorbia tukeyana (Cape Verde, exclusive), Fouquieria columnaris, Greenovia X aureozoon (exclusive), Pelargonium dasyphyllum, Zehneria scabra etc.

For professionals
(cacti & succulent seeds by millions !)
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